BRDY Token - Tokenized Word Of Mouth Marketing BRDY represents a first of its kind word of mouth marketing token for the real world. Keep marketing dollars local If we work together in our communities to keep marketing dollars local, then all of our customers have more money to spend on goods and services. Companies can grow more quickly creating more jobs, which is better for the economy. BRDY Token's Goal Local Marketing should be exactly that, local. Why should you have to run 15 marketing channels to reach customers within 3 miles of your business? Goal 1: Create Home Maintenance Schedule as a proof of concept. ~ COMPLETE Goal 2: Signup 10,000 home owners in the great State of Texas to Home Maintenance Schedule ~ IN PROGRESS (86/10,000) Goal 3: Signup 200 Home Services Companies with so we can launch. ~ IN PROGRESS (14/200) Goal 4: Launch BRDY Token on Pump.Tires and distribute 250,000,0000 BRDY Token to local communities at launch. ~ COMING SOON Goal 5: Create a Birdy Leads App and Open Source Code Repo where companies can offer BRDY Tokens from their own websites. ~ IN PROGRESS Goal 6: Make marketing affordable for small businesses again! ~ IN PROGRESS |
LinksHome OwnersGoal: 10,000 Home Service Companies Goal: 200 Wallet Launch PulseChain Stats Trade |